1/4/2012 Break out of gender limitations_When my husband and I were selling a piece of family property in Italy a number of years ago, we were taken aback by the resistance we encountered because I had an equal voice in making business decisions. In that region of the country, business dealings were mostly left to husbands, fathers and older male children. Socially, women subserved the interests of men. When I discerned an attempt to grossly undervalue the fair market price of the property in question, I spoke up about it. My participation was not appreciated by the businessmen with whom we were dealing. I was intimidated and became angry. _Things went haywire after that. Not only were we dealing with dishonesty in the deal, but then came a sudden and unpredictable bank strike, unseasonable rains with torrential flooding, and difficulties with communicating in Italian. Adding to that, I became seriously ill with an abscessed tooth and ear infection that left me unable to hear, eat or to lift my head off my pillow. I was more afraid of going to an Italian dentist in this tiny town than I was of the problem, so I waited it out. After three days in this terrible state, my condition got suddenly worse. It felt like it was too much to even think, let alone to pray. I was tempted to pass out of consciousness, lulled by the thought, "Just be quiet and go to sleep." Then I realized that in this culture, that was exactly what women were supposed to do - be quiet and stay out of the way. Something deep in me rebelled. So rather than yield to passing out, I finally prayed. I refused to accept that my right to think and express myself could be taken from me. This prayer was a strong protest of the truth that I was God's intelligent, conscious idea - having all the rights and privileges and authority, as His child, to speak - and that I could not be limited by mortal gender stereotyping. My last thought before falling asleep was, "Nothing can rob me of my rights of mind as Mind's idea." Then I was out like a light. It was the first time I had slept in three days. When I awakened an hour or so later, I was completely well, strong, and free of pain. Not even a minute of recuperation of strength was required. In addition, the other blocks to progress moved off. With this newfound spiritual authority, I had a confidence in my ability to speak up and let my thoughts be heard - even in Italian. As we proceeded with the deal, there was a change in the attitude and improvement in the behavior of those with whom we were dealing. It seemed to me that the shift that occurred during that prayer had an effect on the people and events around me. The sale went through, at a fair price, during a one-hour break between two-strikes. The flooding dissipated in time to close the deal in a part of town entirely cut off by water hours before. And in the end, all parties were happy. Looking back, it looked almost like a Moses-up-against-the-Red-Sea experience. The waves parted and the resistance to the business deal, in all its forms, was swallowed up. But my take-away from all these crazy events is the power of a simple prayer to take a stand for ones right and ability to express God-given dominion regardless of what limitations may be imposed. I wasn't the only one blessed. Everyone - from the businessmen to the bank to the community - was touched by that prayer. The Scriptures reveal the essence of manhood and womanhood - the male and female of God's creating - to be entirely spiritual. ( See Genesis, chapter 1) The true individuality of each of us is the image and likeness of Spirit, the pure, undeviating and complete reflection of God, good, and this individuality includes dominion over limitation in all forms. Everyday gives opportunities to prove this fact in small and great ways. Gender-based stereotypes are rooted in the concept that man is a mortal personality, divided up and compartmentalized by inherent strengths and weaknesses. (See Genesis, Chapter 2-3) But this Adam/Eve dysfunctional sense of creation is way off-base. Men and women are actually designed to strengthen, bless and support one another. Let's toss gender bias out on it's ear. And let's do it through a spiritual understanding of what true manhood and womanhood is. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures emphasizes the spiritual fact that, "Man and woman as coexistent and eternal with God forever reflect, in glorified quality, the infinite Father-Mother God." (p.516) _Did you enjoy this blog? Did you find it helpful? I wonder if someone else might, too. If you think so, please help out by emailing, tweeting, posting the link, - or writing it on a piece of paper in a bottle and sending it out on the waves, - so that others can find it, too.
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John Adams
1/4/2012 01:51:16 am
Isn't God incredible!? He can make mild conditions go away that typically improve thanks to our evolved immune system, while letting you sell property at fair market value. 1/4/2012 02:40:15 am
Yes, John, the world needs our prayers. I have to be grateful for each small example of grace, but the beauty in each healing isn't the thing changed or healed. That is small potatoes compared to the glimpse of God as Spirit and man as spiritual. Until the world embraces the basis truth of spiritual being, its problems will still seem overwhelming. But i sincerely believe that every prayer that wakes even one person up to spiritual being and the liberty of being Spirit-created and maintained sends a powerful ripple of good into the world. Thanks for reading, and an even bigger thanks for sharing your reaction.
John Adams
1/4/2012 03:24:29 am
Well the questions I raise are more foundational, systemic, that require a step back and asking yourself if maybe you've framed too much of your worldview from a single source that makes claims of knowledge based on revelation, authority and special pleading (from a time period ignorant of all the scientific advances of the last century), rather than falsifiable tentative claims based on overwhelming converging peer-reviewed evidence, and mechanisms for making sure we don't deceive ourselves with wishful thinking or delusion or confirmation bias. 1/4/2012 02:51:36 am
Hey blog readers,
1/4/2012 06:47:05 am
Michelle, as a resident of Mexico, where gender bias can be an accepted part of the norm, I am grateful to be able to claim my equality in God's eyes, knowing all His children are equal under spiritual law, the only true law. 1/4/2012 07:29:36 am
(The response above was written before John's second longer comment. This one is in response to his second comment. Sorry that the thread may be a little difficult to follow. You can just check the time of the comments to read them in order.)
1/4/2012 08:35:36 am
Michelle. Being new to CS I too struggle with some of the stuff that John brings up and would love to hear further thoughts on it. That said - what you wrote above (4:40 a.m.) - "[t]hat is small potatoes compared to the glimpse of God as Spirit and man as spiritual", puts it all back into perspective. Your statement is powerful and, in a nutshell, comprises what attracted me to CS in the first place. Thank you - I will carry that thought with me today and beyond.
1/4/2012 10:17:51 am
I don't mean to derail this discussion, but "real science" is not nearly so perfectly rational as described above. Any history of science course show that. The development of new paradigms is a messy business ... I saved the following link because I find it fascinating ... http://www.forbes.com/2007/03/09/lanza-theories-physics-biotech-oped-cx_mh_0309lanza.html 1/4/2012 10:29:20 am
Interesting link, Carrie. Robert Lanza, the scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, MA, is putting forward a new theory of the universe. The article states, "At its most basic, his idea is that much of what physics has observed is not actually physical, but a creation of the mind. The world, as we perceive it, is real to us, but we are actually sensing an underlying informational framework." Comments are closed.
Find me on YouTube I have practiced Christian Science professionally in some form since 1979. But my journey with Christian Science started in a Sunday school where as a young child I was taught the Scriptures and some simple basics of Jesus' method of scientific Christian healing. A significant experience at the age of twelve opened my eyes to the great potential of this practice. After impaling my foot on a nail, I prayed the way I had learned in Sunday school. Within moments the pain stopped and healing began. By the next morning the wound had disappeared completely. Having experienced the great potential of Christian Science, there would be no turning back. |
9 rue d'Edimbourg, 75008, PARIS [email protected] French SIRET-49377197600021
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© 2011-2025 Michelle Boccanfuso Nanouche, CSB. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. Site updated January 6, 2025.