No one could have been more proud than I was when my daughter received her university diploma in 2008. Although she might say that very little of what she studied has carried over into her professional life, I witnessed her many life lessons through the college years. She came out with well-honed communication skills, a confident sense of self and humility. On that last point, I think she gained a healthy respect for hard work and a humble hope that the life in front of her could be a grand adventure if she set worthy goals and applied herself to achieve them. Surfing the net last week, I stumbled across a conversation thread that mocked teachers of Christian Science, suggesting that many use three names (in the case of female teachers) to sound like lawyers and to compensate for their supposed lack of education. Considering I am a three-namer and probably have had the least amount of formal education out of all my colleagues, I figure I am a good candidate for offering another perspective on these misrepresentations. I could have five names if I used each one that has been assigned to me or that I picked up through marriages. I chose the ones I use for a specific reason, one that I imagine applies to other teachers as well: I have a long list of published content under two last names. This content is only retrievable to those who actually know the names and who plug each of them in the search engine. I attended a Christian Science nursing school right after high school. I have no university diploma. It was some years before my lack of college experience began to trouble me. But when it finally did, insecurity hit me like a Mack truck. I felt less intelligent than my many colleagues, most, if not nearly all, who are college graduates. Several have Masters degrees and higher. I was once invited by the publishing house I often write for to attend a forum for writers. We were to bring a piece prepared for editing. I couldn't write it. Although I had already had twenty or so articles published, I was intimidated by feelings of being stupid and uneducated. I went to the forum empty-handed and tried to make myself invisible in the back row. As I listened to the discussion, I was taken by the humility of the writers around me. They were a well-laureled bunch, yet the common thread wasn't in their collective years of higher education. It was in their experiences of listening quietly to God and learning to trust the inspiration that came. Powerful. Moving. Liberating. That night I had a watershed experience when I realized that my education had come through life experiences and unique professional opportunities that God had given me. Unconventional? Yes. But not to be underestimated. My instruction in Scripture came from professors who not only passed on their knowledge, but who also taught me to listen and seek out the living Word in the words. During five years on a public lecture board, I was trained for public speaking by some of the best known professionals in the business. Working with Legislators for three years, I learned to listen to, consider and respect the various perspectives on a subject in order to bring out the best available solutions in making laws. I was taught to write by the many editors that had patiently worked with my manuscripts over the years. I had learned to listen to God and to trust His direction when I prayed. I wrote my piece that night. During the private conference with my editor at the end of the forum, we just chatted. He said he had no suggestions on improving my piece. It was perfect as it was. It was published shortly after. Mary Baker Eddy, discoverer of Christian Science, was frequently accused by those who thought they were more erudite, of being an uneducated bumpkin. Not every country girl in the 1820s had access to the school house of Little House on the Prairie or the university of Anne of Green Gables. However, in Eddy's case, her education included extensive private tutoring from her brother - a Dartmouth graduate in law who served in the New Hampshire legislature and later was nominated for a Congressional seat. He ensured that his bright little sister obtained thorough instruction in Hebrew, Latin and Greek. Among her favorite studies were natural philosophy, logic, and moral science. Eddy valued higher education and encouraged it for others. She established organizations for university students, designed to support their education and spiritual progress. She once wrote, "The entire purpose of true education is to make one not only know the truth but live it - to make one enjoy doing right, make one not work in the sunshine and run away in the storm, but work midst clouds of wrong, injustice, envy, hate; and wait on God, the strong deliverer, who will reward righteousness and punish iniquity." (First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, 252) As the Psalmist says, "Lead me in Thy truth and teach me: for Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do I wait all the day. (25:5) Happy Graduation to the Class of 2012! May your education serve you, and others, well; and may your understanding continue to develop in the wisdom and way of God.
marylyn ponder
5/26/2012 08:22:49 am
Marylyn Ponder SL-TBHP. How do you like those credentials? They stand for self-learning-taught by higher power! I have learned from one grown son and my business as a Kumon Instructor that self -learning is true learning. And if it is tied to a desire to worship God then it is the only real and everlasting learning!
Michelle Nanouche
5/27/2012 12:21:23 am
Love that, Marylyn!
5/26/2012 09:59:56 am
Great that you addressed this issue! To me whether in academic world or in any other place, the source of wisdom and knowledge is always the same. The social legitimization of some means of knowledge is a human construction (temporary and mutant). But divine intelligence is unlimited and is not restricted to certain places or certain personal experiences.
Michelle Nanouche
5/27/2012 12:22:50 am
And life experience, as well as educational opportunities, provide the forum for expressing that spiritual fact. Thanks, Tamara!
5/28/2012 04:31:58 pm
5/26/2012 06:23:23 pm
I think it's too bad that you would ever feel inadequate. I have always marvelled at the richness of your ability to communicate both speaking and in writing. Thank Goodness for both of those. I, for one, have been a beneficiary.
Michelle Nanouche
5/27/2012 12:24:29 am
Haha, Betsy. Don't worry too much about me! Those deep trough experiences often result in lasting light. I am grateful for you, too.
Dennis R.
5/29/2012 12:22:04 pm
I am a financial controller. I have a degree with a major in accounting. Most of my knowledge and skills are from 42 years of hand on accounting and financial experience not so much from my schooling.
9/18/2012 03:20:37 pm
I think hands on experience counts enormously more than letters after your nameI, nothing beats experience! I am always grateful to Jesus for picking up disciples who (as i understand it) where simple fishermen, they got the message. This has helped me greatly, thanks for all you have written. so inspiring.
Julio Ulfe Vega
10/27/2012 11:55:00 am
Michelle Nanouche Comments are closed.
Find me on YouTube I have practiced Christian Science professionally in some form since 1979. But my journey with Christian Science started in a Sunday school where as a young child I was taught the Scriptures and some simple basics of Jesus' method of scientific Christian healing. A significant experience at the age of twelve opened my eyes to the great potential of this practice. After impaling my foot on a nail, I prayed the way I had learned in Sunday school. Within moments the pain stopped and healing began. By the next morning the wound had disappeared completely. Having experienced the great potential of Christian Science, there would be no turning back. |
9 rue d'Edimbourg, 75008, PARIS [email protected] French SIRET-49377197600021
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© 2011-2025 Michelle Boccanfuso Nanouche, CSB. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. Site updated January 6, 2025.