2/6/2012 For in these things I delight If you feel weak, tired or sad when you look at your life, you may be holding onto a too small sense of yourself as the reflection of Mind, God. God delights to show you the fullness of His kingdom. Mary Baker Eddy wrote: “The kingdom of God is within you. Know then that you possess sovereign power to think and act rightly, and that nothing can dispossess you of this power and trespass on divine Love..." (Pulpit and Press, p.3) God's children, all of us, reflect the omniscient Mind that is God. We reflect the fullness of Mind. This means that we can know exactly what we need to know in the right place, at the right time, all the time. We each have a built-in capacity to reflect and express the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-hearing Mind that is God. However, if we believe we possess a separate mind, intelligence or ego, we may be living within the limiting precincts of ignorance, doubt and fear. It's not that we can't see; its that our eyes become closed to what is there to be seen. Jeremiah said, "Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom... But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord." (9:23,24) Regular, consistent identification with the divine Mind through prayer leads to a better understanding of ourselves as Mind's unlimited reflection. Spiritual understanding strips off self-imposed limits and shows that there really is no restriction to the goodness we can see and express. The first time I visited Germany with my mother, she was on a quest to locate the house of an ancestor from 1650. Armed with a book that had a photo of the house taken in the early 1900's, but with no specific address, it appeared we had a search ahead of us. It was late afternoon when we arrived in the town. We decided to walk down a side street to just get a feel for the area, not really knowing where to look for the house. We showed the picture to residents sitting on their porches, but no one recognized the house. Like many German towns, this one had been laid flat during World War II, and what hadn’t been bombed had been torn down due to dilapidation. So, most of the area was newer construction. Old homes were few and far between. We were told the house was likely gone. As the daylight began to fade, we needed to get back on the road to find our accommodations for the night. Our travel plans did not leave time for us to come back to continue the search the next day. So, before returning to the car, we decided to walk just a bit further to take some pictures in the twilight. I could see that mom was disappointed. Although genealogy wasn't my interest, my mother had been researching her family for decades. Tracing her relatives' footsteps had special meaning to her. Walking ahead, I began to pray, when a line from the Psalms came to me: "Thou wilt shew me the path of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore." (16:11) It occurred to me that Mind, God delights to open our eyes to good, and we can't be deprived of Mind's delight. The delight of the discovery of good is a normal part of the path of life. Before this prayer, I felt the search for the house was like looking for a needle in a haystack. After this prayer, I stopped looking for the house altogether. Instead, I started looking with delight at the beautiful day, the beautiful town, and the pleasure of spending time with my mom. Then as I rounded a corner, I saw a house painted the most ridiculous blue. The combination of the fluorescent color and the light from the low-hanging sun made it glow like neon. In addition, it had an unusual roof-line that caught my attention. Although it had gone through major renovations, removing most of the original identifying elements, I was sure it was the house that mom had hoped to find. The homeowner confirmed with old photographs that we had indeed walked right up to the correct house. It was one of the oldest in the town, dating from the late 1500s, but from all appearances it could have been built in the last 20 years. Because Mind knows all and we reflect that knowing, our divine Mind delights in leading each of us just around the next corner to see or experience something special. Just because we are each that special to God. Just because we are all that loved. Don't cut yourself off from the benefits of being you today. As Mind's full reflection nothing worth knowing or seeing can be hidden from you. Identify with omnipresent Mind who is revealing his wondrous kingdom. Be open to and ready for the special delights that your Mind is eager to show you! If you wish to subscribe to this blog, simply scroll up and submit your email in the box shown in the sidebar.
2/6/2012 04:28:31 am
Thanks, Michelle for sharing this post showing the efficiency of God, Mind. It is such a joy and a comfort to learn through Christian Science that God doesn't keep His children waiting for the divine Good. 2/6/2012 04:43:05 am
Hi Diane, Thanks for commenting! This idea of delighting in good has been such a helpful focus for my prayers today. I found this passage further along in reading Eddy's Pulpit and Press (p.4) - "Wait patiently on illimitable Love, the lord and giver of Life. Reflect this Life, and with it cometh the full power of being. 'They shall be satisfied with the fatness of Thy house.'" - I think of waiting on Love, like a waitress waits on tables. Serving good, expressing it, instead of wishing for it. As you said, "God doesn't keep His children waiting for the divine Good."
2/6/2012 01:30:26 pm
Thanks for these ideas, Michelle. I believe these ideas can be used in the case of my mother. She is under medical treatment now, but I know that if I pray for understanding of what her true spiritual being "looks like," then I will unwittingly serve as a hindrance to her progress and also I will not be accepting these issues as true for myself. 2/7/2012 12:32:25 pm
Sorry I missed your comment yesterday, Dave! I hear what you are saying, prayer that outlines material changes is a problem up approach that never leaves us feeling quite free. Whereas, prayer that works out from the divine perspective has the ability to wake us up to the health, harmony and delightful good that is right there, waiting to be discovered. Thanks for writing!
2/7/2012 07:10:06 am
Thanks for sharing this, Michelle. Important thoughts in there. Thanks for reminding me!
2/7/2012 11:56:56 am
The first words of tis article was exactly the wa I was feeling. After reading the verse Thou wilt show me the path of life, in they presence is fullness of joy, at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore. It occurred to you to stop looking for house and began looking for the beautiful day, it occurred to me that this morning a waitress kiswed me and said I love you. A restaurant that was closed opened to make me pancakes, and a restaurant that was in complete disaray, when I had first come, i gave the manager ideas instead of complaining, about the bad service , and last night for the first time the restaurant became an idea of orderliness, lovingkindess, and all the people were smiling and happy instead of telling me "Good Luck" Thankyou I will begin today by remembering all this 2/7/2012 12:34:31 pm
Atta girl. Way to go, Marisa! So glad you shared and hope to see your comments pop up if any future blogs touch and inspire you! Comments are closed.
Find me on YouTube I have practiced Christian Science professionally in some form since 1979. But my journey with Christian Science started in a Sunday school where as a young child I was taught the Scriptures and some simple basics of Jesus' method of scientific Christian healing. A significant experience at the age of twelve opened my eyes to the great potential of this practice. After impaling my foot on a nail, I prayed the way I had learned in Sunday school. Within moments the pain stopped and healing began. By the next morning the wound had disappeared completely. Having experienced the great potential of Christian Science, there would be no turning back. |
9 rue d'Edimbourg, 75008, PARIS [email protected] French SIRET-49377197600021
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© 2011-2025 Michelle Boccanfuso Nanouche, CSB. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. Site updated January 6, 2025.