_Hello 2012! Who says each day has to be more of the "same old same old?" Why not try something new, experience something grand, each day? W.O.W. = Walk on water. Peter did it. He stepped out of the boat. He was willing to master limitation. Fear might have tried to sink him, but Peter did walk on water with a helping hand. This time my resolution is a little different than in past years. No more thinking small. Sure, I would like to eat better, move more, and drop off unecessary habits that waste my time. But rather than focus on the minnows of limitation nipping at my toes, I would like to go after the big fish of fear that would tell me I can't get out of the boat and express my unlimited potential for good. And I think I can do this in four steps. _Step 2 - Get your toes out of the boat. Yesterday's first step involved the commitment to put prayer first in the day and open to a bigger thought of God. (If you haven't read the comments from yesterday's post, you might want to check them out. There is a gem of a story by one of the reader's there.) Today, I will blog about the second step I am taking to have a year of W.O.W.: I will throw my legs over the side of the boat and put my toes on the water by letting the Christ (God's message of good for me) give me new energy in a new direction. What do I mean? Paul wrote, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Letter to the Philippians, 4:13) And in Lamentations, the prophet Jeremiah wrote of God's mercies (His compassionate thoughts and blessings): "They are new every morning." (3:23) To me, this means that the Christ - God's divine messenger, everpresent and accessible, is revealing inspiration, direction and strength in fresh ways each day. When I talk of the Christ here, it isn't a particular person I am referring to. It's the God-power or divine force that animated and inspired Jesus to get out of bed each day, fueled and ready to witness to the remarkable things that God could do through him. _I have some short term projects (unpacking my suitcases from the US trip) and some longterm projects (a couple of articles to write and preparation for a big move this spring). I could make lists of things to do, like I usually do on January 1. Or, I could look and listen for the Christ-message pointing me to some good idea inspiring me to get moving. Mary Baker Eddy explained, "It is the purpose of divine Love to resurrect the understanding, and the kingdom of God, the reign of harmony already within us... Abide in His word, and it shall abide in you; and the healing Christ will again be made manifest in the flesh — understood and glorified." (Miscellaneous Writings 154:16) Step 1 is the focus on God that expands our potential, by showing us how big our God is and how small our problems are. Step 2 takes this bigger thought of God, and of man as God's image and likeness, and asks, "Now where can I prove this today? How is the Christ manifest in the flesh for me today - that is, making the God-power practical in my life?" __There you have it. Step 2. I resolve to be open to what the Christ is unfolding for me and in me today. I resolve to be courageous in following God's lead and to challenge whatever fear or doubt would try to stop me from putting my toes on the water and accomplishing something amazing. Today, I challenge jet lag. I CAN unpack my six bags and move forward in some way on my other projects. I can do it through the Christ that unfolds good in the details of my day. I don't have to finish all the projects as if I am afraid that tomorrow won't be equally as inspired as today. But I can put my toes in the water and challenge the suggestion that tomorrow I will have more energy, desire, intelligence, support - whatever - to get awesome things done. Nope. No delay. I can do extraordinary things through Christ today. Today is the day to W.O.W. In fact, after writing this blog, I feel ready to do anything. I am strong, inspired, and animated for good. My feet are on the water and I'm feeling fine. Wow! How are you W.O.W.ing today? Any tips or news to help the rest of us? We are all in the same boat and looking to get out and walk, so please share! __Did you enjoy this post? Did you find it helpful? If so, please help out by sharing, tweeting, posting, or yelling out the link in a crowded room so that others can find it, too. And if you wish to subscribe to this blog, simply scoll up and submit your email in the box shown in the righthand column!
1/1/2012 12:43:45 pm
Thank you Michelle this is an inspiring Blog. Two years ago in February my daugther & I moved from NJ to FL. Adapting was hard in the beginning mainly due to seeking a home and finding employment. My daughter adapted beautifully making some friends joining band she is a flutist and academically making good grades. I struggle with the idea of change but i really had no choice but to jump into the waters down here. Literally I took a sales job it only lasted a couple of months. Then started working as a leasing agent as the rental market here is better than housing sales. Starting with prayer led us here and has sustained our journey. The purpose of divine Love awakens fresh starts and strenghtens. 1/1/2012 02:16:39 pm
Your courage to step out of the boat and take your walk is a shining example for your daughter. I know your sharing here will help many others. Thanks, April!
1/1/2012 04:22:44 pm
This is so exciting. I have been cooped up in limitation too long. I want to stop judging ... how long a task will take, how much it will cost to do it or to get it done ... What you're saying here is to step out in faith, but what is new for me is the sense of glorious expectation ... of possibility. 1/1/2012 05:08:55 pm
Right on, Carrie. Step out in faith - but it's not a wobbly, unsteady, fearful faith. That is why step one is so essential. Without an evergrowing understanding of God, we have a too low expectation of what the Christ can do in us. 1/1/2012 05:13:20 pm
I am sitting here in a perfectly ordered home, with all the valises emptied and the contents put away. Also, the other projects moved forward a bit today. And although I didn't really sleep on the transatlantic flight last night, I am not really tired. Just appropriately ready for a normal night's sleep. W.O.W. :)
1/3/2012 06:51:50 am
So last night I was facing a long list of undone chores -- nothing with a deadline but all stuff that I've wanted to do for a very long time. But after reading this blog (I'm a day behind), I decided to let God order my day. I spent most of it hanging out with my daughter. We didn't do much, but it was a very sweet time all the same. And then after she went to her dad's for the night, I was impelled to do a big chore that wasn't even on my list (and that wasn't really "my" chore to do), but I felt great doing it and the result is fabulous, if I do say so myself. I'm going to do my best to let God order all my days from here on out. 1/3/2012 08:28:36 am
So grateful you wrote that, Amy! At the beginning of my US trip I had a French document that I needed to have translated. I found it would require an expensive Fedex, a couple days wait. I became busy with other things and forgot about it until the last possible day - the day before Christmas. I thought I had really goofed up. But then I remembered how many evidences I had seen in the prior weeks of perfect timing. So I stopped condemning myself and called the translator. The situation had completely changed. She had a translator 5 minutes away, who was sitting with nothing to do. Translation done and certified in the hour. I love God's timing. Comments are closed.
Find me on YouTube I have practiced Christian Science professionally in some form since 1979. But my journey with Christian Science started in a Sunday school where as a young child I was taught the Scriptures and some simple basics of Jesus' method of scientific Christian healing. A significant experience at the age of twelve opened my eyes to the great potential of this practice. After impaling my foot on a nail, I prayed the way I had learned in Sunday school. Within moments the pain stopped and healing began. By the next morning the wound had disappeared completely. Having experienced the great potential of Christian Science, there would be no turning back. |
9 rue d'Edimbourg, 75008, PARIS [email protected] French SIRET-49377197600021
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© 2011-2025 Michelle Boccanfuso Nanouche, CSB. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. Site updated January 6, 2025.