W.O.W. = Walk on water. Peter did it. He stepped out of the boat. That showed his willingness to master limitation. Fear might have tried to sink him, but Peter did walk on water with a helping hand. This year my resolution is a little different. No more thinking small. Sure, I would like to eat better, move more, and drop off unecessary habits that waste my time. But rather than focus on the minnows of limitation nipping at my toes, I would like to go after the big fish of fear that would tell me I can't get out of the boat and express my unlimited potential for good. And I think I can do this in four steps. _Step 1 -Think bigger thoughts of God. Each morning when I wake up, before my feet touch the ground, I will give myself a few moments to pray. This first prayer of the day will be totally God-centered and allow me to consider God's infinite nature in some fresh, inspired way. I will ask God to give me a word, a name, to help me take my spiritual understanding deeper and farther than before. In Your God Is Too Small, J. B. Phillips explains that the trouble facing many of us today is that we have not found a sense of God big enough for our modern needs. A too small concept of God is limiting the possibilities of faith and progress. "In a world where our experience of life has grown in myriad directions, and our mental horizons have been expanded to the point of bewilderment by world events and scientific discoveries, our ideas of God have remained largely static... the "God-in-a-box" notion, limiting God to such inadequate conceptions as "Resident Policeman," "Grand Old Man," "Meek-and-Mild," and "Managing Director." As a result of these insufficient ideas of God, many people live with an inner dissatisfaction, without any faith at all." (Amazon.com) Well, not me. I resolve to think bigger thoughts and to expand my understanding of God every day this year. With a larger thought of God, I will have a better sense of my own infinite capacities as God's image and likeness. I will be able to master the fearful, doubtful thoughts that would hold me back from reaching my full potential as God's child. This is completely do-able. I am resolved to have a year of W.O.W. Who would like to join me? What are you doing to W.O.W. today? Have any tips to share? Read Step 2 - Get your toes out of the boat. _ Read Step 3 - Take the stretched out hand and walk. Read Step 4 - Victory! _If you find this post helpful, please share, tweet, post, or yell it from the rooftops it so that others can read it, too. And if you wish to subscribe to this blog, simply scoll up and submit your email in the box shown in the righthand column!
12/31/2011 05:48:49 am
I'm joining you in W.O.W. land!
1/1/2012 01:05:04 pm
Yes - my blog being published 1/2/11 on a help to keeping new year's resolutions :-)
12/31/2011 06:03:26 am
I'm with you in W.O.W.! Step one today. 12/31/2011 06:20:43 am
Great, Kathleen! We are W.O.W.T.! Walking on water together! Focusing and trusting one step at a time is a great idea.
12/31/2011 08:37:29 am
Sign me up!!! 12/31/2011 09:30:01 am
You are on team W.O.W!
12/31/2011 11:39:13 am
Hey your completely do-able link above took me to an unrelated spirituality.com article. 12/31/2011 02:00:16 pm
Good catch, Amy! Thanks! Fixed it. (Sometimes those out of left field articles are just what one person needs. Hope the one that needed it, found it!)
12/31/2011 03:44:52 pm
Something happened this year that still has me in awe ... forgive me it is a long story! My husband and I were re-doing a very large family room from scratch ... stripping wall paper, paint, sanding and finishing floors and woodwork. It has been mostly storage for many years, and started it a year ago, so there was no plan for what furniture or curtains or or or ... would go in there when we finished. In the meantime furniture was piled in the dining room and more furniture arrived from a family member who was down-sizing. As I was picking a wall color, I couldn't find the old curtains and so just listened and made a choice. I couldn't figure out if we had lamps that would light that space, nor did I have any sense what paintings or decorative items would/could go where. I know decorators make a plan, but we were so wiped out by the work, I didn't have one. I was praying about a completely different issue at the time . .. understanding how the kingdom of heaven is here and now. And you know what? That room fell together effortlessly, and in time for 10 people at thanksgiving. My daughters were in awe ... oh mom, they said ... it all goes together, like some really cool decorator planned EVERY LAST DETAIL. My husband said he has seen rooms like that in magazines, but never thought he would live in one. It amazed me because I knew so completely at the time that it wasn't me and it wasn't my plan. The sense of beauty and peace we all finally feel in that room is for me ... walking on water. 1/1/2012 02:20:05 pm
We LOVE upgrades! Awesome example of letting each step be led by the divine Mind - who is an awesome decorator. Just look at a sunset! Divine design! I mention your experience in the next blog. I hope many click back to read it. Thanks, Carrie!
1/1/2012 12:57:59 pm
I love it. Good focus for my desire for months to know God better. 1/1/2012 02:24:11 pm
We are talking about the Infinite, right? We have the ability to expand our sense of God to include more and more brilliant infinite detail to eternity. Cool, huh? 1/1/2012 02:21:37 pm
Super, Linda! Please come back and post a link to your blog in the comments here for others to find your tips!
David J. Piet
1/3/2012 08:20:27 pm
Until now I've told people "The reason you cannot walk on water is simply because you believe you can't."
David Piet
1/3/2012 08:34:52 pm
In S&H 125:21 we read The astronomer will no longer look up to the stars,-- he will look out from them upon the universe....". Because Mind is infinite and everywhere, Life is where Mind is. We can look forward to going to other Galaxies via Mind .Peter and Jesus walked on water. If faith can move mountains, why can't we travel by understanding?
David Bates
1/4/2012 01:40:56 am
Isn't it possible that the stories passed down orally from illiterate superstitious herdsmen of the Iron Age may have been under some misapprehensions? 1/4/2012 09:43:55 am
Hmmm. I suppose everyone is subject to misapprehensions. Our best hope is to continue to reach for a provable truth to live by. Then faith would no longer rest on the words, be on the ever revealing Word. I think it's like math. No matter how many first graders make mistakes adding 2+2 in September, the Principle of math is still present and discernible. Thank goodness! 1/6/2012 08:47:33 am
thank you for opting for this wonderful outreach, Michelle. I knew you way back when in NJ...we've both come a long way! the W.O.W. concept is perfect for me at this moment and I am so grateful. 1/6/2012 08:53:16 am
Great to run into you again, Diana. So glad you are up and willing to W.O.W. with the rest of us! 6/3/2012 08:05:41 pm
Learning, there is no end, I saw a lot of normal life, I can not see things in your article, I really like reading your article fascinating, useful insights. 6/3/2012 08:09:13 pm
Like your blog, give me a lot of surprises, and each time come to see your blog, always give people a lot of ideas.Very good, I sincerely thank the author, to give me so many opportunities to learn. 7/11/2012 11:27:50 pm
thank you very much michelle for the beautiful blog.knowing God and our oneness with Him,living gratefully all the Godlike qualities we right now reflect is walking with His spiritial ideas and with God.thank you vey much.love B Comments are closed.
Find me on YouTube I have practiced Christian Science professionally in some form since 1979. But my journey with Christian Science started in a Sunday school where as a young child I was taught the Scriptures and some simple basics of Jesus' method of scientific Christian healing. A significant experience at the age of twelve opened my eyes to the great potential of this practice. After impaling my foot on a nail, I prayed the way I had learned in Sunday school. Within moments the pain stopped and healing began. By the next morning the wound had disappeared completely. Having experienced the great potential of Christian Science, there would be no turning back. |
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© 2011-2025 Michelle Boccanfuso Nanouche, CSB. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. Site updated January 6, 2025.