"Don't panic. I am here. I will see you out." That was the message that came to me when I found myself on the floor of my room curled up in a ball, panicking, crying, feeling like I had reached my wit's end over a problem that had persisted for three years and seemed suddenly worse than ever. I was at a total loss of how to go forward. The mental dialogue went like this: "I (sob) can't (sob) do this (sob, sob) anymore. (Exhausted sob)" "You don't have to." "No (sob) really. I can't pray about this anymore, I don't have any more thoughts I can think to move forward. (sob) I quit." "Don't think any more. I am your Mind. Let me think for you. Don't panic. I am here. I will see you out." Even in this state of complete mental exhaustion, my "No more prayer" prayer was effective to lead me to the thought I needed to wake me up. Actually, it started by letting me sleep - to rest in the fact that I didn't have to figure anything out. I could leave it to God, my infinite, uncornered divine Mind, to do all the knowing, the thinking, the reasoning, and the solving for me. When I awakened, I was no longer panicked. Nothing had changed problem-wise. But I didn't feel so isolated and alone in the struggle. That clear message, coming from divine Love, of the presence of Mind, comforted me. T that moment I heard it as Love, God, saying, "I am your Mind. Let me think for you. Don't panic. I am here. Let me guide you out." The great prophet Elijah had a similar experience feeling desperate, exhausted, and alone in the world. With an enemy, Jezebal, breathing her intentions to kill him down his neck, he walked deep into the wilderness. The Bible says, "He stopped and sat down in the shade of a tree and wished he would die. 'It's too much, Lord,' he prayed. 'Take away my life; I might as well be dead!'" (See I Kings, chapter 19) Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep. We are told that, "Suddenly an angel touched him and said, 'Wake up and eat.' He looked around and saw a loaf of bread and a jar of water near his head. He ate and drank, and lay down again. The Lord's angel returned and woke him up a second time, saying, 'Get up and eat, or the trip will be too much for you.' Elijah got up, ate and drank, and the food gave him enough strength to walk forty days to Sinai, the holy mountain." It was on this mountain in a cave, at the end of this forty day journey taken in the strength of the angel-food, that Elijah witnessed an earthquake, wind and fire. He learned that there was no God - no Life, Truth, intelligence, nor substance - in any of these symptoms of evil. The still, small voice of Truth broke through to him and he heard very specific instructions that would enable him to go forward and finish his mission in total security. In my case the lesson was the same. My panic stemmed from being overwhelmed by symptoms of an intractable, venomous evil that seemed to have control over my life. But once I realized it wasn't my job to think or pray my way out of the problem, but that I could yield to intelligent Mind to feed me all my thoughts and direct all my forward steps - the symptoms stopped being so impressive. In fact, over the next several weeks I saw rapid progress unfolding all around me, until I saw the problem completely healed. Mind saw me out, until I saw it, too. If you are dealing with a particular struggle that has you feeling trapped, cornered, with no way out, allow Mind to get a grip on you. Listen to the still small voice breaking through the earthquake, wind and fire of panic. It is saying to you; "I am your Mind. Let me think for you. Don't panic. I am here. I will see you out." Did you enjoy this blog? Did you find it helpful? The readership of this blog is growing by leaps and bounds everyday due to readers - like you - sharing (button at top o, emailing, tweeting, and posting the link so that others can find it.
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Joan Robinson
1/14/2012 02:30:35 am
Would like a "send link " option. For those of us who have trouble typing web addreses correctly. 1/14/2012 12:01:30 pm
Yay! We now have a Share This button at the top of the sidebar. Just be sure that the blog, that you are interested in sending to someone's email, is open on your screen. Then it will send that blog link with a little teaser text. 1/14/2012 03:00:37 am
Excellent idea. Will work on figuring out where and how to put that on the blog this weekend. In the meantime, what I do is:
1/14/2012 05:53:21 am
This account is comforting -- that even when we feel we reach an end to new ideas, even when we feel that we can't go forward anymore, it isn't really us that has to come up with the next new idea. I'm trying to be a better listener. 1/14/2012 06:39:41 am
Don't worry, Kathleen. You know the line from Mrs. Eddy's poem that says, 'Saw ye... Heard ye.... Felt ye the power of the Word?"
1/14/2012 08:17:39 am
Oh my - I have felt like that! What a comfort to know the answer is at hand.
Tamara Breunig
1/14/2012 06:14:21 pm
1/14/2012 08:41:25 pm
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Find me on YouTube I have practiced Christian Science professionally in some form since 1979. But my journey with Christian Science started in a Sunday school where as a young child I was taught the Scriptures and some simple basics of Jesus' method of scientific Christian healing. A significant experience at the age of twelve opened my eyes to the great potential of this practice. After impaling my foot on a nail, I prayed the way I had learned in Sunday school. Within moments the pain stopped and healing began. By the next morning the wound had disappeared completely. Having experienced the great potential of Christian Science, there would be no turning back. |
9 rue d'Edimbourg, 75008, PARIS [email protected] French SIRET-49377197600021
© 2011-2025 Michelle Boccanfuso Nanouche, CSB. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. Site updated January 6, 2025.
© 2011-2025 Michelle Boccanfuso Nanouche, CSB. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. Site updated January 6, 2025.